Noble Community Tennis Club

46-56 Moodemere St, Noble Park VIC 3174

0409 558 171

About Our Club

The Club originally started out as Spring Park using courts of the Buckley St. Hall Trust in Noble Park. Due to some problems, a breakaway though they had no courts and used various courts they could hire. Thanks to the hard work of the members at the time, three courts and a club house were built in 1983, with lights added in 1984. The remaining three courts were built in 1988/89 and were lit in 1999.

The Noble Community Tennis Club provides social and competitive tennis for our members.. We have been affiliated with the Noble Park Football Social Club since 1994, when you join our Club, you automatically become a member of the Noble Park Football Social Club, with all the facilities they have to offer.

We have six en-tous-cas courts all under lights. The Club rooms are well appointed, with a bar, a multimedia system with big screen projector and Café blinds which can double the size of our clubrooms when we open our bi-fold doors which are across the front of our building, often used for our Social functions. We also have a Gazebo with bar-b-cue facilities for the warm summer nights!



Noble Community Tennis Club is an affiliated club of NOBLE PARK FOOTBALL SOCIAL CLUB.