Noble Community Tennis Club

46-56 Moodemere St, Noble Park VIC 3174

0409 558 171

Membership Fees:

The Noble Community Tennis Club will pay your Noble Park Football Social Club membership fees.

A Social member is someone who does not wish to play in competition against other clubs. The Non-Playing Social member is for those who have hung up their racquet but still like to come and socialise at the club.

Our Membership Application Form can be downloaded here.
Our Club Constitution can be downloaded here.

Current Membership Fee Schedule:

Effective July 1, 2022
Type Annual Fee Gate Key
JUNIOR $65 $30
STUDENT $75 $30
ADULT $110 $30
FAMILY (2 adults & 2 children)
$40 extra for each additional child
$285 $30
SOCIAL $90 $30

Noble Community Tennis Club is an affiliated club of NOBLE PARK FOOTBALL SOCIAL CLUB.